A dream rests upon my window sill,
wrought of faeries' spells
and Earth's secret jewels revealed,
as an epiphany reified,
a sacred covenant sealed,
spilling rills of blue, a sky-stained hue,
over gaily glutted, green-drunk glass
aburst with blooming.
Nay, I shall not remain abed, this Dawn,
for each moment births a new light,
a new song that takes wing,
soaring and diving into shadows high
and deep, as heralds of Spring.
Over thriving shoots Her laughter hovers,
Her cobalt lilt sparkling
as the storgic tones ringing through
garden and grove,
of Sun and birdsong, mother and Dawn,
engaged in mock affray,
waking all to the delights of the day,
this Day of Persephone and Blodeuwedd,
of ivory hours and violet dreams I shall
gather with abandon,
when colours wait upon the Goddess
in Nature's embrace,
the very air atremble with Spring's notes.
© 2016 Blossoms and Brume, Starlight and Song
Lilium Candidum
Source: www.rubylane.com
Artist: Frederick Fenetty
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