Monday, 7 March 2016


Violets bloom
deepest lavender and white,
where lilac skies shine
the Circle's youth,
in untouched spaces
of mulberry light,
where Springtide smiles
'pon Creation's Truth.

A whisper leaps from
the Ancient Oak's heart,
this silken shiver
of mottled grey
curbs the young Year's flame,
anon to depart,
for to tread the Seasons'
sacred way.

There, twilight shines
as a god in disguise
o'er the distant, silent
faerie fort,
as dewy, scented,
iridine winds rise
into hills where
elves and sprites cavort.

Will-o'-the-wisps dance
o'er the greening marsh,
as the thawing rill
renews its song,
this full moon night,
the rook's calling falls harsh
'pon glades awaiting
Spring's trilling throng.

I bide 'neath silvered foliage
and air,
'neath branches that seek
to gate the moon,
stray beams descend
'pon my parchment and prayer,
my eyes would contain
their argent rune.

I shall rise with Dawn, 
as the hour grows bright,
when lark, thrush and robin
sing as one,
for to honour the Great Wheel's
vernal Rite,
for by violets to bow
to the Sun.

© 2016 Blossoms and Brume, Starlight and Song
Lilium Candidum

Artist: Walter Crane

Friday, 4 March 2016


In deepest earth, Hades' majestic Queen
dreams a golden petalled dream
of Life beyond Her darkling realm,
of blessed blooming beyond the disquiet
of beasts and perishment,
of ceaseless torment.

An enheartening dream Kore dreams,
of Her yearly rite of passage,
of the arms that held Her newborn form,
that knew her first breath,
of the Mother whose grieving for her
captive daughter stopped
the Horae's perennial sacred process.

The sleeping Goddess' limbs
swing with the grace of primal rhythms,
as Spring's first steps
onto barren soil, for the vision of her 
rest traces Her propitious journey 
into the light of Elysium's Eyes, 
of Helios, Selene and Asteria,
of Gaea's rippling mirrors that shiver 
and scatter celestial radiance.

Anon shall you glide into the rapturous 
reign of blossoms and blooming, 
fair Persephone, wading through oceans
of gold and green, and we,
your votaries, shall speak our prayer
of thanksgiving beneath twilit skies
dripping grape and wine 
over a violet horizon.

© 2016 Blossoms and Brume, 
Starlight and Song
Lilium Candidum

Image copyright and credit: Steven Spence

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


A dream rests upon my window sill,
wrought of faeries' spells
and Earth's secret jewels revealed,
as an epiphany reified, 
a sacred covenant sealed,
spilling rills of blue, a sky-stained hue,
over gaily glutted, green-drunk glass 
aburst with blooming.
Nay, I shall not remain abed, this Dawn,
for each moment births a new light,
a new song that takes wing, 
soaring and diving into shadows high
and deep, as heralds of Spring.

Over thriving shoots Her laughter hovers,
Her cobalt lilt sparkling
as the storgic tones ringing through
garden and grove,
of Sun and birdsong, mother and Dawn,
engaged in mock affray,
waking all to the delights of the day,
this Day of Persephone and Blodeuwedd,
of ivory hours and violet dreams I shall
gather with abandon,
when colours wait upon the Goddess
in Nature's embrace,
the very air atremble with Spring's notes.

© 2016 Blossoms and Brume, Starlight and Song
Lilium Candidum

Artist: Frederick Fenetty